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Senarai Presiden PAS

Hj Ahmad Fuad bin Hassan 1951 - 1953 Presiden PAS Pertama

Dr Hj Abbas bin Hj Ilias (Pemangku) 1953 - 1956 Presiden PAS Ke Dua

Dr Burhanuddin bin Hj Mohd Noor (Al-Helmi) 1956 - 1969 Priseden PAS Ke Tiga

Tan Sri Mohd Asri Haji Muda 1969 - 1982 Priseden PAS Ke Empat

Tuan Guru Haji Yusuf Rawa 1982 - 1989 Priseden PAS Ke Lima

Dato' Haji Fadzil Mohd Noor 1989 - 2002 Priseden PAS Ke Enam

Dato' Seri Tuan Guru Haji Abdul Hadi Awang 2002 - kini Priseden PAS Ke Tujuh


  1. Selamat siang,

    Nama saya Mercelo Silveira dari Indonesia Saya menerima pinjaman instan sebesar 10.000 usd dari satu Tuhan yang takut akan wanita Nyonya Arlene Williams dia memang wanita yang baik dan saya benar-benar frustrasi karena saya tidak percaya bahwa masih ada perusahaan pinjaman yang nyata sampai seorang teman. Dari saya mr Diego mengatakan kepada saya tentang bagaimana dia mendapat pinjaman dari perusahaan pinjaman Mrs Arlene Williams, jadi saya memutuskan untuk mengajukan pinjaman dan saya benar-benar terkejut ketika menerima pesan dari bank bahwa akun saya dikreditkan dengan jumlah 10 , 00 usd. Jadi saya menasihati Anda, jika Anda menginginkan pinjaman, silakan hubungi Mrs Arlene Williams melalui nomor whatsapp +2349079785567 atau hubungi langsung surat perusahaan (Arlenewilliamsloanfinance@hotmail.com) dan selalu yakin bahwa Anda juga akan mendapatkan pinjaman Anda.


    Mercelo Silveira


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  4. We are project funder with our cutting edge and group capital fund we can finance your signatory projects and help you to enhance your business plan, our financial instrument can be used for purchase of good from any manufacturer irrespective of location.  
    We can help facilitate the financial service bank instrument SBLC /BG, We remain the best financial consulting company with years of experience in the international and local finance market. 

    We have become the hallmark of excellent service in this industry with trusted and genuine FCA registered SBLC Providers who have truly succeeded in creating significant value for all clients and brokers involved in leasing or purchasing sblc.

    1. Instrument: Bank Guarantee {BG} /StandBy Letter of Credit{SBLC} (Appendix A)2. Total Face Value: Eur/USD 1M{Minimum} to Eur/USD 10B{Maximum}3. Issuing Bank: AAA Rated Bank (Prime Bank).4. Age: One Year and One Day5. Leasing Price: 4% + 2%    Purchase Price : 32% + 2%6. Delivery: S.W.I.F.T MT-7607. Payment: MT103 (TT/WT)8. Hard Copy: Bonded Courier Service
    We specialize in Bank Guarantee lease and sales.

    Contact us for more details.
    Email  info.flltd@gmail.com
    Name Kirby Daniel mark

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  6. Hello...

    Dear Applicant, I am Mr.Robert Bouffad World Best Loan Offer Company LTD.. We are an international loan firm. It a financial opportunity at your door step We provide Business and personal loans etc. as long as it concerns financial assistance..We are certified, trustworthy, reliable, efficient, fast and dynamic. And a Co-operate Financier For Real Estate And Any Kinds Of Business Financing Apply today and you will get a loan from us..

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  7. Hello...

    Dear Applicant, I am Mr.Robert Bouffad World Best Loan Offer Company LTD.. We are an international loan firm. It a financial opportunity at your door step We provide Business and personal loans etc. as long as it concerns financial assistance..We are certified, trustworthy, reliable, efficient, fast and dynamic. And a Co-operate Financier For Real Estate And Any Kinds Of Business Financing Apply today and you will get a loan from us..

    Apply Now for your very low interest rate of 2% loan!

    * We offer loan in EURO AND DOLLAR
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    Giving your world a meaning.


    World Best Loan Company Offer..

  8. We offer Cash & Asset Backed Financial Instruments such as Bank Guarantee and Standby Letter of Credit (BG/SBLC) for lease and sale, and loan facilities. We offer Verifiable Bank Instruments via SWIFT from genuine providers capable of taking up time bound transactions. Issuance is by AA rated Bank in Europe, Middle East, Asia and USA.

    Our Instruments are easily monetized on your behalf for project funding. Our rates depend on the face value of the instrument needed, we can also monetize the same BG/SBLC for up to 100% cash proceeds if you do not have a monetizer.

    Please contact me for full details:

    Email: inquiry.trustedfinance@gmail.com


    Whatsapp : +15137819374

  9. We offer you a good opportunity to take out a loan.
    - Flexible repayment schedule
    - Loan amount: € 5,000.00 and above
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    Apply now!

    Send the Below information for correspondence:




    Bernhard Herrmann
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    Bolshoy Cherkassky Lane, d. 15-17, P. 1, B. 61-65,
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    Philip James
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    We offer certified and verifiable bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable
    of taking up time bound transactions.

    LEASING FEE = 4%+2%

    PRICE = 32%+2%

    Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded, loan financing by providing you with yearly. RWA ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days

    Name : Scott james

    Email : Inquiry.securedfunding@gmail.com
    Skype: Inquiry.securedfunding@gmail.com

  11. Tato nabídka uprímného a rychlého úveru je urcena pouze pro cestné a uprímné jedince, kterí ji mohou splácet. Otevreným srdcem vám predkládám svou velmi spolehlivou a velmi výnosnou úverovou nabídku, která trvá maximálne 24 hodin. Úverová nabídka zacíná od 40 000 do 50 000 000 Kc pri osobní úrokové sazbe 2%. Doba splácení úveru zacíná (1 - 25 let) - (12 - 300 mesícu). Slibujeme ze spodku mého srdce a tvárí v tvár dobrému bohu, že váš úcet bude pripsán 24 hodin po vaší žádosti o úver, takže pro všechny vaše naléhavé úverové potreby prosím kontaktujte pouze: lenkaring501@gmail.com


    We offer certified and verifiable bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable
    of taking up time bound transactions.

    LEASING FEE = 4%+2%

    PRICE = 32%+2%

    Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded, loan financing by providing you with yearly. RWA ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days

    Name : Scott james

    Email : Inquiry.securedfunding@gmail.com
    Skype: Inquiry.securedfunding@gmail.com

  13. Půjčky do 24 hodin pro celou zemi.
    Soukromá úvěrová společnost je otevřena 24 hodin denně, 7 dní v týdnu. Poskytujeme půjčky online až 30 milionů Kč po dobu až 360 měsíců rychle a bez zbytečných formalit, nebo dokonce bez opuštění vašeho domova. Vše, co potřebujete, je výpis z účtu nebo výpis, zcela online - zákazník obdrží peníze do 24 hodin!
    e-mailové adrese: rollerovadominika@seznam.cz

    Půjčky do 24 hodin pro celou Českou republiku

    Máme pro vás nejnovější nabídky půjček 24/7. Pokud uvažujete o získání první nebo nové půjčky online, ale nevíte, kterou zvolit, je dobré použít ověřený zdroj. Zkontrolujte půjčky, které nabízíme, na e-mailové adrese: rollerovadominika@seznam.cz 7 dní v týdnu a zažijte finanční svobodu, po které toužíte

  14. Půjčky do 24 hodin pro celou zemi.
    Soukromá úvěrová společnost je otevřena 24 hodin denně, 7 dní v týdnu. Poskytujeme půjčky online až 30 milionů Kč po dobu až 360 měsíců rychle a bez zbytečných formalit, nebo dokonce bez opuštění vašeho domova. Vše, co potřebujete, je výpis z účtu nebo výpis, zcela online - zákazník obdrží peníze do 24 hodin!
    e-mailové adrese: rollerovadominika@seznam.cz

    Půjčky do 24 hodin pro celou Českou republiku

    Máme pro vás nejnovější nabídky půjček 24/7. Pokud uvažujete o získání první nebo nové půjčky online, ale nevíte, kterou zvolit, je dobré použít ověřený zdroj. Zkontrolujte půjčky, které nabízíme, na e-mailové adrese: rollerovadominika@seznam.cz 7 dní v týdnu a zažijte finanční svobodu, po které toužíte

  15. Halo hadirin sekalian
    Apakah Anda benar-benar membutuhkan pinjaman? Apakah ekonomi mempengaruhi Anda?
    Apakah Anda ingin meningkatkan bisnis Anda?
    Apakah Anda memerlukan pinjaman untuk memulai proyek?
    Apakah Anda seorang petani dan apakah Anda membutuhkan pinjaman untuk membiayai pertanian Anda?
    Apakah Anda memerlukan dukungan finansial untuk membangun rumah atau membeli real estat?
    Apakah Anda membutuhkan pinjaman untuk tujuan lain?

    Kami dapat membantu Anda, kami menawarkan pinjaman untuk perusahaan dan individu.

    Kami menawarkan opsi pinjaman yang berbeda kepada siapa saja yang membutuhkan bantuan keuangan dan karena apa yang terjadi di seluruh dunia, kami memutuskan untuk memberi Anda pinjaman dengan tingkat bunga 2,50% per tahun dan Anda juga dapat memutuskan berapa banyak yang ingin Anda pinjam.

    Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang penawaran pinjaman unik kami, kirim email melalui || lendingtreeloan460@gmail.com || atau Email kami di WhatsApp melalui: +2348107219280

    Anda dapat mengajukan pinjaman di mana saja, kapan saja di tempat Anda sendiri yang nyaman, menggunakan ponsel atau laptop.

  16. We offer Cash & Asset Backed Financial Instruments such as Bank Guarantee and Standby Letter of Credit (BG/SBLC) for lease and sale, and loan facilities. We offer Verifiable Bank Instruments via SWIFT from genuine providers capable of taking up time bound transactions. Issuance is by AA rated Bank in Europe, Middle East, Asia and USA.

    Our Instruments are easily monetized on your behalf for project funding. Our rates depend on the face value of the instrument needed, we can also monetize the same BG/SBLC for up to 100% cash proceeds if you do not have a monetizer.

    Please contact me for full details:

    Email: inquiry.trustedfinance@gmail.com

    Skype : inquiry.trustedfinance@gmail.com


    Whatsapp : +15137819374

  17. Do you need a genuine Loan to settle your bills and startup

    business? contact us now with your details to get a good

    Loan at a low rate of 3% per Annual email us:

    Do you need Personal Finance?

    Business Cash Finance?

    Unsecured Finance

    Fast and Simple Finance?

    Quick Application Process?

    Finance. Services Rendered include,

    *Debt Consolidation Finance

    *Business Finance Services

    *Personal Finance services Help

    Please write back if interested with our interest rate EMAIL: muthooth.finance@gmail.com
    Call or add us on what's App +91-7428831341

  18. Půjčka 50 000 až 85 000 000 Kč: Rollerovadominika@seznam.cz

    Potřebujete prostředky na svůj dům, své podnikání, nákup auta, kola, zahájení vlastního podnikání, osobní potřeby, pochybnosti. Nabízím osobní půjčky od 50 000 do 85 000 000 Kč s nominální úrokovou sazbou 3%, bez ohledu na výši. V žádosti o půjčku uveďte přesnou částku a datum splatnosti. V případě zájmu mě prosím kontaktujte přímo na email: Rollerovadominika@seznam.cz


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  21. Hello ladies and gentlemen
    Do you really need a loan? Does the economy affect you?
    Want to improve your business?
    Do you need a loan to start a project?
    Are you a farmer and need a loan to finance your farm?
    Do you need financial support for building a house or buying a property?
    Do you need a loan for another purpose?

    We can help you, we offer loans for companies and individuals.

    We offer various loan options to anyone who needs financial assistance. Given what is happening around the world, we have decided to provide you with a loan at an interest rate of 2% per annum and you can also decide how much you want to borrow.

    To find out more about our unique loan offer, send an email to || lendingtreeloan460@gmail.com ||

    You can apply for a loan anywhere and anytime in your convenient location using your phone or laptop.

  22. Halo semuanya, tolong, saya langsung ingin menggunakan media ini untuk membagikan kesaksian saya tentang bagaimana Tuhan mengarahkan saya kepada pemberi pinjaman kredit yang benar-benar mengubah hidup saya dari kemiskinan menjadi wanita kaya dan sekarang saya memiliki hidup sehat tanpa stres dan kesulitan keuangan,

    Setelah berbulan-bulan mencoba mendapatkan pinjaman di internet dan saya ditipu 100 juta saya menjadi sangat putus asa untuk mendapatkan pinjaman dari pemberi pinjaman online yang sah secara kredit dan itu tidak akan menyakiti saya, jadi saya memutuskan untuk beralih ke teman saya untuk meminta saran bagaimana cara mendapatkan pinjaman online, kami membicarakannya dan kesimpulannya adalah tentang seorang bernama Mr. Ryan Ceanic yang merupakan CEO dari RYAN CEANIC LOAN FIRM Company

    Saya mengajukan pinjaman sejumlah (Rp 300 juta) dengan bunga rendah 1%, jadi pinjaman yang disetujui mudah tanpa stres dan semua persiapan dilakukan dengan transfer kredit, karena tidak memerlukan jaminan untuk transfer. . Dalam pinjaman, saya hanya diberitahu untuk mendapatkan sertifikat perjanjian lisensi mereka untuk mentransfer kredit saya dan dalam waktu kurang dari dua jam, uang pinjaman itu disimpan ke rekening bank saya.

    Saya pikir itu bercanda sampai saya menerima telepon dari bank saya bahwa rekening saya sudah dikreditkan senilai Rp300 juta. Saya sangat senang akhirnya Tuhan menjawab doa-doa saya dengan menginstruksikan pemberi pinjaman saya dengan kredit nyata, yang dapat memberikan keinginan hati saya.

    Terima kasih banyak kepada Tuan RYAN CEANIC karena membuat hidup saya adil, jadi saya menyarankan siapa pun yang tertarik untuk mendapatkan pinjaman untuk menghubungi Tuan RYAN CEANIC baik melalui E-mail (ryanceanicloanfirm1@outlook.com) ATAU whatsapp: +441545360007. untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang cara mendapatkan pinjaman Anda,

    E-mail (ryanceanicloanfirm1@outlook.com) ATAU whatsapp: +441545360007

    Jadi, terima kasih banyak telah meluangkan waktu Anda untuk membaca tentang kesuksesan saya dan saya berdoa agar Tuhan akan melakukan kehendak-Nya dalam hidup Anda. Nama saya Putu Ernawati, Anda dapat menghubungi saya untuk referensi lebih lanjut melalui email saya: (ernputu1999@gmail.com)
    Terima kasih untuk kalian semua

    Dear Sir/Ma,
    We offer certified and verifiable financial bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable
    of taking up time bound transactions.
    LEASING FEE = 4%+2%
    PRICE = 32%+2%
    Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded,
    loan financing by providing you with yearly.
    RWA ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days
    I will be glad to share with you our working procedures.
    Name : Scott james
    Email : inquiry.securedfunding@gmail.com
    Skype : Inquiry.securedfunding@gmail.com

  24. We are major/Direct providers of Fresh Cut BG, SBLC, POF, MTN, Bonds and CDs and this financial instruments are specifically for lease and sale.We are one of the leading Financial instrument providers with offices all over Europe. 
    We are major/Direct providers of Fresh Cut BG, SBLC, POF, MTN, Bonds and CDs and this financial instruments are specifically for lease and sale.We are one of the leading Financial instrument providers with offices all over Europe. 
    we always deliver on time and precision as Set forth in the agreement. You are at liberty to engage our leased facilities into trade programs, project financing, Credit line enhancement, Corporate Loans (Business Start-up Loans or Business Expansion Loans), Equipment Procurement Loans (Industrial Equipment, Air crafts, Ships, etc.) as well as other financial instruments issued from AAA Rated bank such as HSBC Bank Hong Kong, HSBC Bank London, Deutsche Bank AG Frankfurt, Barclays Bank , Standard Chartered Bank and others on lease at the lowest available rates depending on the face value of the instrument needed, Our Terms and Conditions are reasonable. 

    1. Instrument: Bank Guarantee (BG)/SBLC (Appendix A) 
    2. Total Face Value: 10M MIN to 50B MAX USD or Euro 
    3. Issuing Bank: HSBC, Deutsche Bank Frankfurt, UBS or any Top 25 . 
    4. Age: One Year, One Day 
    5. Leasing Price: 4 1% 
    6. Sale Price: 32 2% 
    7. Delivery by SWIFT . 
    8. Payment: MT103-23 
    9. Hard Copy: Bonded Courier within 7 banking days 

    We are ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days, if interested do not hesitate to contact me direct. 

    Name:May Gary 
    or let us know via WhatsApp:+1(218)2417690 

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  26. SIGNET UK FINANCE PLC is a British based financial consulting company with years of experience in the international and local finance market. Be it lease bank guarantee, Stand by letter of credit or any type of refinancing, talk to our team at SIGNET UK FINANCE PLC and certainly we will set your business on the right path with our sound and quality financial advice and services. Our bank instrument can be help you fund you projects in Trading, funding project(s) such as Aviation, Agriculture, Petroleum, Telecommunication, construction of Dams, Bridges, Real Estate and all kind of projects.Having years of professional, invaluable experience in the banking and finance industry, and having access to dozens of different prominent trusted and reliable providers, our Financial Services consultants will crawl through hundreds of products to find one that perfectly matches your needs.

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    Dobrý den, jsem fyzická osoba nabízející půjčky po celé ČR. Mít kapitál, který bude použit na poskytování krátkodobých a dlouhodobých půjček mezi jednotlivci v rozmezí od 40000 Kč do 1000000 Kč všem vážným lidem, kteří to skutečně potřebují, je úroková sazba 2 % zdarma ročně Poskytuji půjčky Financial, Home půjčka, investiční půjčka, půjčka na auto, osobní půjčka. Jsem připraven uspokojit své zákazníky maximálně do 1dnů od obdržení vašeho formuláře žádosti.
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  31. Nebankovní půjčka do 24 hodin. Potřebujete financování pro váš domov, pro vaše podnikání, pro nákup auta, nákup motorky, pro zahájení vlastního podnikání, pro vaše osobní potřeby nepochybujte. Nabízím osobní půjčky od 30 000 Kč do 50 000 000 Kč s roční úrokovou sazbou 2%. Je jedno jak moc. V žádosti o půjčku uveďte přesnou částku, kterou chcete splatit, a datum splátky. kontaktovat e-mailem: Burianovalucie23@seznam.cz
    whatsapp... +420607506943


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